Mandelbulb3D 1.99.37
by Andreas MaschkeMandelbulb 3D is a free app that allows you to generate and render 3D fractal images based on the principles of the Mandelbulb fractal.
Fractals, with their self-similar patterns, can be considered as an interplay between mathematics, nature, and art. Through fractals, you can see a synergy where mathematical principles underpin the patterns you observe in nature, and these patterns, in turn, inspire art and design.
In mathematics, fractals are complex shapes that exhibit self-similarity, meaning they can be split into parts, each of which is a reduced-scale copy of the whole. This property is quantified by the fractal dimension, a statistical measure that shows how completely a fractal appears to fill space.
In nature, many phenomena exhibit fractal properties. For example, the branching patterns of trees and rivers, the structure of clouds, and the distribution of galaxies in the universe all show self-similarity across different scales.
In art and design, fractals have been used to create visually captivating images and structures. Artists and architects often employ fractal principles to generate patterns and forms that are aesthetically pleasing and mimic the complexity found in nature. The use of fractals in design can also be practical, as it can lead to structures that are more efficient or resilient.
Mandelbulb 3D is a free app that allows you to generate and render 3D fractal images based on the principles of the Mandelbulb fractal.