Solibri 9.13.2
by Solibri Inc.Solibri is QA tool which allows you to check the geometry of your models, compliance with regulations, to combine multiple BIM models into one.
Solibri Inc. is a company founded in 1999 and based in Helsinki, Finland. Solibri is the leader in BIM Quality Assurance and Quality Control. Providing out of the box tools for BIM validation, compliance control, design process coordination, design review, analysis and code checking. Solibri’s corporate message is to develop and market quality assurance solutions that improve the quality of BIM-based design and make the entire design and construction process more productive and cost effective. Solibri’s customers include major building owners, construction companies, architects and engineering firms in more than 70 countries.
Nemetschek AG acquired Solibri Inc. in 2015. Today, Solibri is part of Nemetschek Group, AEC software provider that includes 12 brands (Vectorworks, Graphisoft, Allplan, Solibri and Maxon are some of them).
Solibri is QA tool which allows you to check the geometry of your models, compliance with regulations, to combine multiple BIM models into one.